Pokemon neo y changelog
Pokemon neo y changelog

pokemon neo y changelog

(However if you breed that Pokemon, the resulting Egg should be legit. Example: A Patrat caught at Kalos Route 2 will most likely be rejected, because it is not a valid location for a Patrat to be caught at. A few moves themselves have been edited in terms of accuracy, type and BP. Unless you are able to catch that Pokemon in that place with that level in regular X/Y, it will probably be rejected in online play.A lot of Pokemon have had their level up moveset edited to either match that of ORAS or improve those who didn't have a great moveset to begin with Neo X & Neo Y are rom hacks of Pokemon X and Y designed to offer the player greater difficulty through expanded trainers and better variety through edited wild Pokemon encounters along with a plethora of other features.Many Pokemon have had their stats slightly edited to make them comparatively viable to use Some have also had their typing edited such as Golduck who is now Water/Psychic.Pokemon who had comparatively non-beneficial abilities have been given a new set entirely The Neo Y version I built myself is working fine. Not sure what is causing this, but maybe somebody can confirm this Im on EmuNAND 9.8, no game updates installed.

pokemon neo y changelog

Most Pokemon now have easy access to their Hidden abilities. I took the time to check both prepatched files: I noticed that Neo Y shows up in the Gateway menu, but it does not get mounted when selected, the game slot just stays empty.

pokemon neo y changelog

  • All previously unavailable Pokemon are now included - Eg Rattata.
  • All 721 Pokemon available in one play-through - every area has a lot more variety to offer.
  • Pokemon (See documentation for detailed information)

    Pokemon neo y changelog