This list of Shakespeare plays brings together all 38 plays in alphabetical order. Plays It is believed that Shakespeare wrote 38 plays in total between 15.

****** A shatter-proof film is applied to the screen to help mitigate the hazard of shattering glass, but is does not protect the screen from physical impact. ***** For further details regarding regional restrictions on the antimicrobial function, please refer to each country's website. (Test method(JIS Z 2801): after inoculation of 0.4cc of liquid with bacteria(Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus) on specimen(5cm x 5cm), a sterilized film(4cm x 4cm) is adhered and left in a thermo-hygrostat with a relative humidity of 90% or more at 35☌ for 24 hours, and then the efficiency of killing of the bacteria is measured / Test agency: FITI Test Research Institute)

**** Antibacterial certification: UL2282 which is granted when the antibacterial effectiveness is more than 99%.

*** Antimicrobial Coating is on surface of screen only and the effect may vary depending on kind of bacteria or conditions of use. ** Antibacterial property does not protect users against bacteria and provides no protection against viruses including Covid-19. * To perform its antibacterial function, this product has been treated with the biocidal substance Zinc Pyrithione.