Updated the Smissmas Tree Unusual effect to improve performance.Updated backpack and matchmaking images.Added bread chunks that fly when Big Mama explodes.Fixed an issue with sound in the final sequence.Fixed location by BLU spawn where you can build under cliff.Fixed a bug where players could get stuck behind a wall of computers near the final point.Fixed some clipping around cliffs and BLU base.Supports wrapping around the beginning and end of the list.

ConVar tf_steam_workshop_page_skip controls the number of pages to skip.Updated the Steam Workshop dialog to support skipping several pages at once.Updated The Giftcrafter and Beanie The All-Gnawing to fix material/model issues.Updated Spark of Smissmas Unusual effect.Updated schema drop_type for hats shipped in the last few updates.Fixed Halloween: Exorcism spell not being triggered by feign deaths.Fixed Wrap Assassin projectiles colliding with invisible map entities.Fixed Your Eternal Reward ragdolls not fading.Team Fortress 2 Update Released DecemTF2 Team Fixed the effect not moving when taunting.Updated Condescending Embrace Unusual effect.Updated the Sparkling Lights Unusual effect.Raised the default height of the effect in order to prevent clipping issues.Updated Sparkling Spruce, Glittering Juniper, and Prismatic Pine Unusual effects.Reduced delay before the swirls start in order to accommodate short taunts.Fixed visibility issues in bright environments.Updated Smissmas Swirls, Amethyst Winds, and Golden Gusts Unusual effects.Fixed Taunt: Shooter's Stakeout using one of the Engineer's voice lines.Fixed looping particle effects being orphaned when players are killed or force-respawned.Fixed Strange cosmetic items not counting buildings_destroyed for buildings destroyed by a sapper.Fixed a client crash related to previewing market items.The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. Team Fortress 2 Update Released MaTF2 TeamĪn update to Team Fortress 2 has been released.